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Stay OUT of the Story

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

(I am assuming those who will be reading this are people who are well removed from danger. If not, scroll to the bottom for the exercise to remove fear.)

I know things are going on in the world that can cause us to feel fearful. But being afraid helps no one!

I am not saying ignore what is going on. But if you are not directly affected by the events, do your best to keep your mind focused on a positive outcome!

This will allow you to be useful energetically to those who are directly affected.

Avoid watching the news. The news fills the mind with detrimental images, making it harder for us to focus our thoughts on the positive outcome. Being informed is not as important as we like to think it is. After I had a heart attack in 1996, my cardiologist told me. “The news rarely pertains to our daily life. When it does, someone will call you, and staying informed is not worth dying over.”

He has been correct for almost thirty years. My phone rings with people letting me know what is up. I have no need to turn on the news and have not done so since 1996, even in these crazy times. I still do not watch the news. Instead, I’m listening to the sounds of birds on youtube videos on my TV. It’s relaxing. I suggest you give it a try!

If you still feel you must be informed, try to limit your exposure. Check-in twice a day for a short update and then turn it off. Your health will thank you!

To help keep your thoughts high in stressful times, put on your favorite music and move your body!!! Have some fun. Watch comedy on Youtube! Keep your heart light!

Technique to remove fear

Say to yourself, I am afraid. “Using a scale of one to ten, how true does that feel? Say it again. “I am afraid.”

Rate the way you feel 1. = I don’t feel anything

10 = TRUE!

Let’s make it bigger. It’s true, I am afraid. It is terrifying what is happening in the world.

Now let’s dump it! I, ________ place each and every level of my consciousness that is afraid into a Full Court of Atonement. I ask to analyze my timeline and resolve any and all reasons I am afraid, at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline. Say it again, “I am afraid? On a scale of one to ten. Did it change?

Do the same thing again,

What am I feeling now?(scared, frightened, worried... etc.)

I, ________ place each and every level of my consciousness that is _____ into a Full Court of Atonement. I ask to analyze my timeline and resolve any and all reasons I am _____ at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline. On a scale of 1 - 10 how is it feeling now? Are you feeling global fear?

Say to yourself, “I am feeling other people’s fear. I am afraid because they are afraid. I am stressed because they are stressed. I am worried because they are worried. I am anxious because they are anxious. I am frightened because they are frightened. I, ________, place all of this detrimental energy into a Full Court of Atonement I ask to resolve any and all reasons for this energy at its points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy from any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline. Do things that are beneficial to the situation. Use the Court of Atonement asking to resolve the problems. I, _____, place _____, and _____, into a Full Court of Atonement. I ask to analyze their timelines and resolve any and all conflicts between them at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. Announcements:

  1. The Court of Atonement Oracle Cards are now available.

  2. There is a new booklet The Court of Atonement Explained.

  3. Check for upcoming classes

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