When we are angry with someone and holding on to that anger, just the mere mention of their name will lower the frequency of our energy. I created this dowsing chart to accompany my talk "Taking Our Power Back" for the Tucson Dowsers on May 4th.
Click on the chart to download a copy.
How to use this chart.
Think of someone in your life and state write their name down on the form. Ask the question. "How does my health respond the name _______." and write the number next to their name. If their name makes you feel good, you will get a positive number like +7.
If their name makes you feel bad, you will get a negative number like -4.
Once you judge the number, make the clearing statement and test again.
You may repeat the statement to see if it shifts even more.
Click on the chart to download a copy.
Amy Jo Ellis © 2024