Years ago, my guide Abraham had me clear "Non-beneficial energies" from my food and drinks. He had me holding my hands around the class or over the plate while I said a simple blessing. "I am clearing and blessing this food. I am removing any and all detrimental energies, entities, and properties from this food (or water or soda). I ask to charge this food with beneficial properties. Every atom, every molecule, every crystal is to be charged to its optimal level for the benefit of my body. " I had gotten into using a pendulum, and I found that if I said this statement while holding the pendulum over the water, the pendulum would spin counterclockwise while I said "Remove" and then spin clockwise when I was charging. At first, the pendulum barely moved, but after a couple of months, it began spinning the blades of a helicopter!
My husband thought I was faking it, but I knew otherwise.
A couple of years later, I remember finding Raymon Grace on Youtube for the first time, and my jaw dropped! "Look, KEN!! His spins like that too!!!" I loved hearing Raymon say, "Yes, my hand moves. It's going to move because it's a hand! But I'm telling you folks, I'm not the one making it do this!" I felt vindicated! Finally, I could show Ken someone else who believed as I did. Speaking of Raymon, in his quest to create good drinking water for people, he discovered that the Spirit of Water refused to return while the Spirit of Greed was in the water. I soon realized that Greed was one of the seven deadly sins. I decided to look up the other six. I've been having some fun scrambling the detrimental frequencies and transmuting them to their opposites. If you care to join me, grab a pendulum. (Or a necklace, a bead on a string, or a bolt on a cable like I have in the garage.). Put your name in the first space, and name the deadly sin in the second space. "I, _____, am scrambling the frequency of , _____!"
Repeat the above statement over and over until the pendulum stops or changes directions. Then use the statement below saying the beneficial energy you intend to turn it into. "I am changing all this energy into the frequency of _____!" 1. Wrath - Forgiveness
2. Lust - Indifference
3. Envy - Kindness and generosity
4. Gluttony - Moderation
5. Sloth - Positivity
6. Pride - Humility
7. Greed - Compassion