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Resolving Food Allergies

When dealing with food allergies, the trick is to find a human connection to the allergens and resolve the reasons you are upset with those people or yourself for a negative memory.

As an adult, I kept getting hives.

We finally figured out oranges were causing the hives.

This allergy went on for many years, with me continually avoiding oranges and yet still getting hives by eating things that I didn't know had orange Juice in them. I mean, totally unexpected things like Mountain Dew soda.

Once I began to understand the human connection to allergies, I did a deep dive into who I think of when I think of oranges.

My aunt Nonie used to work at a Sunkist packing plant. Every couple of weeks, my aunt would come and bring us a case of oranges. WE LOVED THEM! And I dearly loved her. I couldn't think of any reasons I would be upset with her.

I then asked myself what upset me about Aunt Nonie and suddenly remembered showing her my new bicycle. I tried riding it really fast to show it off, but I hit a rock and crashed.

My humiliation was the cause of the allergy.

Something miraculous seems to have taken place for it all to have disappeared.

Think of the allergen. Who do you think of when you think of the allergen? Use the standard statement between you.

I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with _______. I ask to analyze our timelines and resolve any and all conflicts between us at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

Now, use the standard statement again, this time with the allergen.

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