Amy Jo Ellis © March 5, 2018

Have you ever had someone you could not stop thinking about even though you knew that you would be so much better off if you could stop thinking about them? Have you ever relived situations in your mind trying to replay them and understand what you might have done differently or what you could do to heal the situation? This is an obsession.
If you feel like you have an obsession, then consider giving these Courts of Atonement a try.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________. I ask to analyze our timelines and resolve any and all soul contracts, soul mate contracts, karmic debts, and life lessons. I ask to resolve these reasons at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ for the purpose of soul recognition. I ask to have our timelines analyzed and resolve any and all conflicts between us at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________. I ask for divine intervention. I ask to have our energies analyzed and correct our connection to life force energy to the most appropriate connections now!
I , _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ for the purpose of Requesting Divine Guidance. I ask to have our guides analyzed by our guardian guides. I ask to dismiss any and all guides who no longer serve us. I ask to resolve any and all conflicts between our guides. I ask to create compatibility and or total disconnect, whichever is for the highest and best of our Soul's advancement and or joyful life.
I recognize that although I feel passionate that I am in love with ________, I recognize that I have also felt sad, hurt, and miserable in this attraction, possibly more than I have felt loved, honored, and supported by _________.
I also recognize that if it is meant to be, it should be easy! Anything less than lighthearted and fun is a powerful connection that is probably not be divinely guided.
I place myself, __________, in a Full Court of Atonement to remove any and all non-beneficial connections to __________now.
I, ________, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Relieving Resistance to change, and Seeing How This Serves Me. I ask for Resolution of Abandonment. Resolution of Betrayal, Resolution of Unrequited Love. Resolution of loss of a partner.
Now, let's aim to pardon each other.
Repeat. "I have not forgiven you and you have not forgiven me."
You have not forgiven me, and I have not forgiven you. " Repeat until it feels lighter or stuck. I, __________, place each and every level of my consciousness, God, and my Guides into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________, for the purpose of analyzing our timelines and resolving any and all reasons we have not yet forgiven each other. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline.
(You may repeat this statement.)
I, __________, place each and every level of my consciousness, God, and my Guides into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating openness and willingness to forgive and pardon ________________.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ for the purpose of doing everything we can to pardon and forgive each other for our many mistakes. I ask to be pardoned for any and all mistakes I have made in our relationship. Even though there is a part of me that is unwilling to pardon you for some of the things you have done, I ask to be pardoned for not pardoning you.
Repeat this next statement a few times before calling for the Full Court of Atonement.
Even though there is still a part of me that is unwilling to pardon you, "I ask to be pardoned for not pardoning you. I ask to pardon myself for not pardoning you." Repeat that last statement over and over until you feel something shift inside of you. "I ask to pardon myself for not pardoning you. I pardon you for not pardoning me." (repeat)
I ask to pardon you for any and all mistakes you made with me in our relationship.
Disconnecting from this non-beneficial energy might feel like a scary thing to do. However, it will give your body a chance to reset and either move on or reconnect with a healthier level of connection.
If you are interested in being happy again with or without the other person, then read on and fill in your names.
I, __________, place my soul and the soul of __________ into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating happy, healthy, joy-filled lives for both of us!
I, __________, insist that I relinquish any and all detrimental desires or resistance to ___________ as a flesh connection. (Repeat until you feel a shift)
I, _________, insist that my heart, mind, body, and soul relinquish any and all detrimental emotional or chemical reactions caused by __________ as well as all things that remind me of him/her.
I, __________, insist that ___________ relinquish any and all detrimental desires and emotional or chemical reactions he/she may have for me as well as things that remind him/her of me.
I, __________, insist to myself that I surrender any and all detrimental emotional attachments to __________.
I, __________, insist that ___________ relinquish any and all detrimental emotional attachments he/she may have to me!
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ for the purpose of relinquishing any and all detrimental thoughts and feelings about _________ as a mental, and or a sexual connection. I ask to resolve the reasons for these detrimental thoughts and feelings at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ and with the entirety of our family lineages. For the purpose of analyzing our timelines and resolving the reasons for any and all lingering detrimental energies. I ask to restore love to myself, respect for myself, and admiration for myself.
I, _______, place myself, ________, into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ for the purpose of analyzing our timelines and revoking any and all power of authority we have given each other throughout our lives. I ask that we allow our lives to return to one of peace and joy.
I, _______, place myself, _________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating a life filled with ease, grace, peace and love.
I, _____, place each and every level of my consciousness, God, and my Guides into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating openness and willingness to stop thinking about______________. I ask for divine intervention. I ask for amenable dissolution of these thoughts. I forbid this energy any further access to my body, my energy field, or my timeline. I ask to reconnect my heart to the love of my family and friends who love and respect me back.
I, ______________, place myself in a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of correcting all energy surrounding my heart and restoring the activity of my heart center to full power and full function.
I, ______________, place myself in a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of enjoying my life and being open and willing to fully give and receive love.
New Information
Sometimes we remain connected to people because we are unwilling to forgive them. Try repeating these next statements. Each time you say it, you should feel lighter. Repeat it until it feels like there is no need to say it again.
I, _______, am unwilling to forgive you, _______. Please forgive me for that. Each pass will lighten the amount of stored energy you have around not wanting to forgive them. Keep saying it!!
I, _______, place each-and-every level of my consciousness into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating openness and willingness to forgive, __________.
Some people are afraid to stop loving. They are afraid that their life will never feel whole again, so they hang on to their obsession.
Now try saying, "I am unwilling to stop loving you. Please forgive me for that." Repeat, repeat, REPEAT!!!
There is no call on this one because we never really stop loving someone. But we are afraid that if we stop thinking about them, that we are stopping loving them.
How about saying, "I am unwilling to drop it. Please forgive me for that." Having said that, let's try this:
"I am unwilling to stop thinking about ________. Please forgive me for that." I, _______, place each-and-every level of my consciousness into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of creating openness and willingness to think about my future filled with fun and wonderful people.
Even newer information
I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with _______ for the purpose of analyzing our timelines and resolving any and all conflicts between us throughout our timelines and our Soul's timelines. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I ask for Renegotiation of Same Soul Connections.
Amy Jo is now offering inexpensive live classes online on zoom. She intends to help people understand how much power they have over their lives and give them the tools they need to step into that power.
For more information, go to
© Amy Jo Ellis 2018
Amy Jo is the author of "The Court of Atonement," a 47-page booklet that is gaining worldwide recognition for its ability to solve conflicts at the soul level.
Each e-Booklet cost only $5. There are now five e-Booklets available.
Healing Your Family Tree
Enhancing Your Life
Making Peace with the Past
Making Peace with Money
Court of Atonement Explained.