Knowledge is power! If you have received a scary diagnosis, try to hold in your mind the idea that nothing has changed with this knowledge.
You are the same today as when you first walked into the doctor’s office, except you have now identified something you need to address. You just did not know it until now.
Now that you know that something needs healing, you can take action to address the cause of it.
Tell yourself... “I am safer today than I was before I knew it. Now I can take care of it.”
Millions of people around the world are living long healthy lives on the other side of having a terminal diagnosis.
Unfortunately, just the diagnosis alone can strike fear in the heart and the Soul of those who are facing it.
My guides are always telling me that these major diseases are the biggest motivators to get us to change our directions and create a better life for ourselves.
We suddenly do our best to let go of the anger and upset of the past because we realize that life is too short... With this new fearful information, we suddenly find the willpower to quit our jobs, change our diet, make amends with our family, and or finally, step into doing what the Soul has come here to do.
To help stave off the fear, start by repeating the mantra. “I am safe! I am safe. I am safe.” Getting the body to calm down will allow your body to work for you.
Feeling fearful about the disease is the fastest way to lose your health! So flip it and aim to be optimistic about starting a new adventure!”
Let me ask you some questions to help you find where to target the Court of Atonement.
Who do you hate? The first time I tried this, all I could hear was. “I don’t hate anyone.”
I knew it wasn’t true, so I kept asking. Who do I hate? The name of a neighbor boy from childhood came to mind.
I placed myself and the neighbor boy in a Full Court of Atonement and asked that our timelines be analyzed and all conflicts between us be corrected at their points of origin.
I felt a massive shift! But I didn’t stop there... I kept asking... “Who do I hate.” I then found political figures, litterbugs, and Ants.
Each time an answer came to mind, I said the Court of Atonement to resolve it, and I began to feel a lot better!
TRY IT!!! Ask yourself, “Who do I hate?” or “Who do I believe has wronged me?”
I place myself, ________, in a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ I ask to have our timelines analyzed and all conflicts between us resolved at their points of origin. I ask to resolve any and all reasons I have not forgiven _____. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this detrimental energy from any further access to my body. Repeat that until no one comes to mind. Then ask yourself. “What am I doing that I don’t want to be doing?
Working a job that makes us unhappy is really detrimental to our health.
Sometimes all that needs to be changed about the job is the way we feel about it.
I, _____, place myself, _____, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of resolving any and all reasons I am not happy doing, __________ I ask to resolve the reasons I am not happy at their points of origin. I ask for divine intervention to assist me in doing things I love.
What do you hate? (litter, poverty, drug abuse, smoking, bad drivers?)
I, _____, place myself, _____, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of resolving any and all reasons I hate, __________. I ask to resolve the reasons at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy any further access to my body.
Keep going... Who or what do you loathe? (People love to hate politicians, hunting, guns, doctors, dentists, etc.) Search your thoughts about who or what brings up detrimental emotions when you think about them, then use the power of the Court of Atonement to delete them!
I, _____, place myself, _____, into a Full Court of Atonement with, _____ I ask to analyze our timelines and resolve any and all reasons I hate, __________. I ask to resolve these reasons at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy. I forbid this energy from any further access to my body, my energy field, or my thoughts.
Who or what are you jealous of?
What are you angry about?
Place yourself with these things in the very first COA in the book.
I, ___________, place myself in a Full Court of Atonement with ___________. I ask to have our timelines analyzed and resolve all conflicts between us at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.
Have you ever heard yourself say, “I hate that this is happening... It’s killing me!”
After a diagnosis, how you talk to yourself at this point is super important!
As you walk around during the day. Do not let your thoughts enter fear. If you find yourself dipping into fear. Yell “STOP IT!!!” at yourself. Redirect your thoughts with powerful statements and corrective work. “I am now on the road to recovery and going in the right direction!!!”
This statement is your friend, and you will take the correct action to redirect your life in a healthier, happier direction. Things are improving.
Once you get done working on the “Who or what do I hate?” statements, start saying, “Who do I love and appreciate?
I place myself, ______, into the Full Court of Atonement with all of the people, places, and things that I love, and I send them gratitude for making life worth living. I ask my Soul and my guides to assist me in keeping my thoughts focused on what I love and appreciate most in my life.