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How to Feel Better Fast!

Updated: Jan 30, 2022

Sep 6, 2021 (originally posted)

Our emotions can really run away with us!

When this happens, we begin attracting more and more events of the same emotional charge.

Allowing our negative emotions to run uninvestigated in our lives causes us undue stress.

Since stress causes illnesses it is important to resolve these emotions, not bury them!

I used to watch a funny movie or put on music to lighten my mood… This still works, but when the music stops the thoughts start crawling back in.

Now, I quickly address the emotions and then ask to resolve the reasons I feel this way. I am amazed at how quickly I can feel normal again.

Use the worksheet below and enjoy feeling better… FAST!

I like to print out the worksheets, then laminate them and keep them on my desk!

What am I feeling? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I, __________, place each and every level of my consciousness that feels __________ (emotional state) into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of resolving any and all reasons I am feeling __________ throughout my timeline and throughout my family lineages.

I ask for positive resolution of the events that caused these emotions.

I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

“I forbid this detrimental energy any further access to my body, my thoughts, my energy field, or my timeline.”

Go back to the top question and start again! Amy Jo Ellis (C) 2021

If you’d like you can also download a printable version of this worksheet.

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